According to Genesis, after God created man he gave man a mandate to be fruitful, to multiply and replenish the earth, in the message translation that place reads, PROSPER! REPRODUCE! FILL EARTH! TAKE CHARGE! AND BE RESPONSIBLE. From that part of the scripture you see God has already made man in a way to prosper but have you pause or better still SELAH which is pause and think and ask yourself why is everybody not prospering. The book of Ecclesiastes states categorically that as long as the earth remains poor people will never cease. Then this brings me to the next question, who is a poor man? To me a poor man is that man that’s lacks initiative, understanding, knowledge, not to mention wisdom, a poor man is that man that cannot see beyond where he is, he in unadventurous, he cannot manipulate his surrounding, cannot and does not think about his future, he is concern about here and now.
Is God impartial? Why does he make some rich and the others poor? A rich man is the opposite of who a poor man is. In churches today our major concern most times is how we may prosper forgetting the fact that in Genesis 1 God already blessed us and declared us prosperous, why have we not thought about how we can use the little we have and make it grand. If you need a tree you don’t need to plant a tree all you need to plant is a seed, for a seed as small as it is brings forth a tree. So the little we have if only we can apply the principles of increase we will definitely prosper.
Lest I for forget before I start painting your minds with colors of words too big then causing color riot in your head and making you confuse all the more and retiring to fate that you are indeed born to be poor, let me state here that you can be a millionaire if you want to, mark my words I said IF YOU WANT TO. I know in your mind you will be saying can all be rich? Of cause all can be rich. We can live that life we’ve always dreamt of. Are you not familiar with these words? “I GET MONEY BEFORE OOOOO”
Haven’t you wondered that even the unbelievers are indeed richer than some of us Christians, it’s just because they are applying the simple principle of investment as a key for their future. They know what to do and when to do it; they know how to differ their greatest pleasure for now as a sacrifice for their future. Think about the Dangote’s , Jimoh Ibrahim’s Mike Adenuga etc. These are Nigerians despite the fact that at certain times, certain economic policies were formulated that were rent seeking in nature by our big wig politicians favoured them they were men that started investing with little of nothing. My greatest joy tonight will be that as may of you that are here, will be able to catch what am about to expose to you. Many of you here have at one time or the other have listened to what am going to show us but have not made any progress towards prosperity, my prayer is that you will catch it in a dimension that will make you not to rest in Jesus name.
The simple principle that I will show you today is the principle of sowing and reaping or better still investment. In the bible there’s a that Jesus told of a master that gave talents (money) to his servants and two of them invested and gain more but one did not but dug a hole and kept it. I know we are very familiar with this story and we are so quick to judge the last servant that dug his own money but have we asked ourselves what we have done with the little money we have had all our lives? It’s not a matter of how small the money is there’s always an avenue of investment. Remember in the story the master rebuked the servant by telling him that it would have been better if he had kept the money in bank for in so doing he would have had interest.
From the fore going you will find out that it doesn’t matter how much you have but the willingness to invest. Prosperity and wealth is not spontaneous but conscious and persistent effort, not relenting but focus.
According to the oxford advanced learners dictionary “investment is the act of investing money in something. It can also be referred to as the money you invest, or the thing you invest in.
Investment is the choice by the individual to risk his savings with the hope of gain. Rather than store the good produced, or its money equivalent, the investor chooses to use that good either to create a durable consumer or producer good, or to lend the original saved good to another in exchange for either interest or a share of the profits. (wikipedia)
In investment an asset is usually purchased, or equivalently a deposit is made in a bank, in hopes of getting a future return or interest from it. The word originates in the Latin "vestis", meaning garment, and refers to the act of putting things (money or other claims to resources) into others' pockets.
In finance, investment is the buying of securities or other monetary or paper (financial) assets in the money markets or capital markets, or in fairly liquid real assets, such as gold, real estate, or collectibles.
Simply put, it’s the sacrifice of today’s pleasure for the pleasure of tomorrow.
401K PlansThe easiest and most popular kind of investment is a 401K plan. This is due to the fact that most jobs offer this savings program where the money can be automatically deducted from your payroll check and you never realize it is missing.Life Insurance
Life Insurance policies are another kind of investment that is fairly popular. It is a way to ensure income for your family when you die. It allows you a sense of security and provides a valuable tax deduction.
StocksStocks are a unique kind of investment because they allow you to take partial ownership in a company. Because of this, the returns are potentially bigger and they have a history of being a wise way to invest your money.
BondsA bond is basically a promise note from the government or a private company. You agree to give them a set amount of money as a loan and they keep it for a set number of years with a predetermined amount of interest. This is typically a safe bet and one that is a good investment for a first time investor because there is little risk of losing your money.
Mutual FundsMutual funds are a kind of investment that are based on the gains and losses of a shareholder. Basically one person manages the money of several or many investors and invests in a list of various stocks to lessen the effect of any losses that may occur.
Money Market FundsA good short-term investment is a Money Market Fund. With this kind of investment you can earn interest as an independent shareholder
Real EstateReal Estate is a tangible kind of investment. It includes your land and anything permanently attached to your piece of property. This may include your home, rental properties, your company or empty pieces of land. Real estate is typically a smart and can make you a lot of money over time.
This is simply the act of buying and selling of consumable products. This is one of the oldest form of investment.
There are three types of investment, namely:
· Short term investment
· Medium term investment
· Long term or life time investment