No man was created or born to be static in life; we all have
within us the potential to develop ourselves. Growth can be stunted by internal
or external factors. Internal, that is, it’s not influenced by things outside
the individual. External are things outside the individual’s control. Mental
development is not a natural occurrence neither is it something that happens on
its own. Mental development can change the entire being of a person. It can
change ones outlook on life, increase the material wellbeing of a person.
Increase the fortune of a person; it can help improve how one raises his
children. The difference between two people is what they know, as knowledge is
the determining factor when there’s a need to distinguish between people.
The day you start thinking you’ve arrived or have fully
developed is the day you start deteriorating, personal development is a
lifelong activity and not a one off activity. Personal development is not the
development or improvement of an area of one’s life but a total improvement of
a person’s entire life, from spiritual to mental, financial, social, family
etc. The people we so admire and respect because of their achievement didn’t
get to where they are by just standing or sitting at a spot, they made
deliberate effort to better themselves, they made commitment to change.