Sunday, October 5, 2014

Survivng the storms of life

      In life there are times we find ourselves in places and situation of discomfort, pain, disappointment and what I call storm. In times like these, its like its all over for us. We search and call for help but it never come. We have sleepless nights, we cry and wish our breath should stop. We have more questions than answers concerning our situation. The truth is, as long as you are human, you would pass through this season and time. Storms are part of life, we all go through it. It's not for some selected few. If you've not been in a storm, brace up, it would come.
Job a man, who loved and feared God passed through his fair share of storm and became better off afterwards. Storms is a phase in life but the ignorant die of it. My goal is to make you see, its a phase and that you would come out stronger after each storm. The scripture puts it this way "count it all Joy when you fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing"

 Look at the prize(look at the bright side of life). 
Don't for one reason take your eyes off the prize (the future you desire)...Hebrew 12, talking about Jesus, puts it this way, "who for the joy that was set before Him, despised the shame, endured the pain and hurt". If you for a minute remove your mind from the prize ahead, you would lose heart and when u lose heart, you bow or surrender to the storm. The most important thing to do that brings peace, strength and grace to face the storm when it comes is to focus your attention on Jesus. Look on to Jesus, who was like you, tempted in many ways and is seated at the right hand of God. Learn how He faced the storms. There are times He spoke to the storms, you too can speak what you want out of the Jesus speak peace over every storm that you face and will face. "peace is not an absence of storm or turmoil but the grace of God that brings calmness to our spirit in spite of what we are facing"
You have what it takes to survive every storm because God has given us all things that pertains to life and godliness. If you don't know what to say when you are in a fix or in a storm, read the bible in it are treasures and words to face every storm. You are not permitted to bow to any storm, you have been made to rise above every storm. Say to yourself " I will rise above every storm of life and anything the devil will bring my way because my eyes is fixed on Jesus"
Point to note: when you focus on the storm life throws at you, the storm will be magnified thereby making you succumb to it but when you focus on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith, and speak His words over the storm, the storms will disappear....God bless you

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